Overcome Stress | Move Forward | Make Tangible Progress


An On-Demand, Online Course

Overcome Stress
Move Forward
Make Tangible Progress

Do you feel stressed and overwhelmed and are not sure how to get out of this cycle?

Are you worried about your future and want to do something positive to make tangible progress?

Have you been trying to do all that you can to get healthy but not getting the results you hoped for?

Are you wanting to reduce stress and increase energy levels so that you can perform better?

The Health Breakthrough is the place for you to start your journey of change.

Watch the video to discover more


Do you feel stressed and overwhelmed and are not sure how to get out of this cycle?

Are you worried about your future and want to do something positive to make tangible progress?

Have you been trying to do all that you can to get healthy but not getting the results you hoped for?

Are you wanting to reduce stress and increase energy levels so that you can perform better?

The Health Breakthrough is the place for you to start your journey of change.

Watch the video to discover more


What is The Health Breakthrough?

The Health Breakthrough is an on-demand, online course designed to help you find strategies to overcome stress, move forward and make tangible progress.

  • Learn why stress and chronic health challenges have risen to almost pandemic levels in our society.
  • Understand the physiological and neurological responses to stress.
  • Discover the impacts of chronic stress and how HRV correlates with it. 
  • Find holistic practical strategies that you can use to decrease your stress, improve your health and increase your HRV. 
Overcome Stress | Move Forward | Make Tangible Progress

What is The Health Breakthrough?

The Health Breakthrough is an on-demand, online course designed to help you find strategies to overcome stress, move forward and make tangible progress.

  • Learn why stress and chronic health challenges have risen to almost pandemic levels in our society.
  • Understand the physiological and neurological responses to stress.
  • Discover the impacts of chronic stress and how HRV correlates with it. 
  • Find holistic practical strategies that you can use to decrease your stress, improve your health and increase your HRV. 
Overcome Stress
Move Forward
Make Tangible Progress

The Breakthrough Journey

Explore the content and journey of The Health Breakthrough.

Click on each video for a sneak peek.




Podcast Appearances

What people are saying ...


Martin Pallesen

For 2 years I’ve tracked my HRV and listened to all the great podcasts on Elite HRV. The insights and advice from all the experts have been of so much value to me. I am now much more aware of what puts stress on my system and what takes me down again, but I haven’t really been able to optimize my baseline.
When I listened to the podcasts with Jonathan Moore on Elite HRV, my heart rate lowered cause I experienced an approach to working with stress that doesn’t just add more tasks and more hacks to try or implement but a more reasonable and humane approach to stress management.

As an experienced consultant and therapist working with people daily, I have a good sense for “BS” versus insight and experienced approaches to coaching, therapy etc., and I can clearly tell that Jonathan is experienced and really have a wish to support and help people.

Vivek Menon

COO - Elite HRV

Jonathan is a long-time advisor and friend to me and our company. His wisdom has been so helpful to our company in our mission to empower individuals in their own health and happiness journeys.

Instead of creating more content or expensive one-size-fits-all “cures”, Jonathan is bringing exactly what’s missing: a holistic, research-backed, personalized, community-based approach that truly helps us build new habits, and most importantly - changes how we think about ourselves, our roles, and our reasons for being in this world. I’ve seen hundreds of products and services, but nothing that addresses individuals’ health and happiness needs like Legacy Coaching.

Ben Carpentier

I’ve been struggling with motivation and purpose.

I started working with Legacy Coaching in the hope of learning some actions I could take to help me feel a bit more centred and in control. 

Jonathan takes the time to challenge your preconceptions and thought patterns, walking you step by step through a journey of mental and emotional reconfiguration that I found I really needed. Only when you’re in the right starting place and looking in the right direction does it then introduce firm actions to help you move in that direction.

If you have hit a point where you feel unsure how life could possibly move forward, I would definitely recommend this course. 


Promyce Johnson

Jonathan has been amazing in helping me sort through the cacophony of thoughts and emotions that have been limiting factors to growth. It's amazing to get to the root of things and amazing to have a safe space to do so. 

The Midlife Reset was an amazing journey of self-discovery and transformation! Hope has replaced despair!

Dr Mark Setch

Neurocoaching Australia

Jonathan is not only highly trained but also a highly skilled coach. Jonathan has a finely honed capacity to be fully present with his clients and partner with them to experience personal and professional transformation at a deep level.


Mel Baker

The Midlife Reset has helped to explore negative patterns that I have been unconsciously aware of in my life that has limited my growth and added to my fatigue.

Instead of living in a vicious cycle, I am living in a victory cycle!

Denise Miller

The Midlife Reset is a powerful program that conditions you to think and behave differently while giving clarity and purpose.

Very empowering.

Luke Petrusma

Thanks, Jonathan and Lee-Anne for delivering an excellent course (The Midlife Reset). There was some brilliant content that has reframed some unhelpful narratives. The coaching calls were fantastic in exploring key questions that helped to shift perspectives. 

Brilliant content toward finding my compelling story.

One-Time Payment


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  • The Health Breakthrough:
    n On-Demand, Online Course

* All prices in USD